It was a colorful mix of women of all ages, with kids, with husbands, with friends, lesbians, divorced, women abused and raped, women who, lacking a job, cannot have children, young researchers with no perspective to work in Italy too... we were a mixed bunch! We screamed any kind of slogan... I had the feeling that everybody had his own!!! In a moment of silence I started to shout with all the air I had in my lungs "Dimissioni" and lot of people around joined! It felt so good! It was the first time for me protesting in the street, I felt a bit revolutionary!

"In Italia la maggioranza delle donne lavora fuori o dentro casa, crea ricchezza, cerca un lavoro (e una su due non ci riesce), studia, si sacrifica per affermarsi nella professione che si è scelta, si prende cura delle relazioni affettive e familiari, occupandosi di figli, mariti, genitori anziani. Tante sono impegnate nella vita pubblica, in tutti i partiti, nei sindacati, nelle imprese, nelle associazioni e nel volontariato allo scopo di rendere più civile, più ricca e accogliente la società in cui vivono. Hanno considerazione e rispetto di sé, della libertà e della dignità femminile ottenute con il contributo di tante generazioni di donne che - va ricordato nel 150esimo dell’unità d’Italia - hanno costruito la nazione democratica. Questa ricca e varia esperienza di vita è cancellata dalla ripetuta, indecente, ostentata rappresentazione delle donne come nudo oggetto di scambio sessuale, offerta da giornali, televisioni, pubblicità.

E ciò non è più tollerabile. Una cultura diffusa propone alle giovani generazioni di raggiungere mete scintillanti e facili guadagni offrendo bellezza e intelligenza al potente di turno, disposto a sua volta a scambiarle con risorse e ruoli pubblici. Questa mentalità e i comportamenti che ne derivano stanno inquinando la convivenza sociale e l’immagine in cui dovrebbe rispecchiarsi la coscienza civile, etica e religiosa della nazione. Così, senza quasi rendercene conto, abbiamo superato la soglia della decenza. Il modello di relazione tra donne e uomini, ostentato da una delle massime cariche dello Stato, incide profondamente negli stili di vita e nella cultura nazionale, legittimando comportamenti lesivi della dignità delle donne e delle istituzioni. Così, senza quasi rendercene conto, abbiamo superato la soglia della decenza. Chi vuole continuare a tacere, sostenere, giustificare, ridurre a vicende private il presente stato di cose, lo faccia assumendosene la pesante responsabilità, anche di fronte alla comunità internazionale. Noi chiediamo a tutte le donne, senza alcuna distinzione, di difendere il valore della loro, della nostra dignità e diciamo agli uomini: se non ora, quando? è il tempo di dimostrare amicizia verso le donne."
E ciò non è più tollerabile. Una cultura diffusa propone alle giovani generazioni di raggiungere mete scintillanti e facili guadagni offrendo bellezza e intelligenza al potente di turno, disposto a sua volta a scambiarle con risorse e ruoli pubblici. Questa mentalità e i comportamenti che ne derivano stanno inquinando la convivenza sociale e l’immagine in cui dovrebbe rispecchiarsi la coscienza civile, etica e religiosa della nazione. Così, senza quasi rendercene conto, abbiamo superato la soglia della decenza. Il modello di relazione tra donne e uomini, ostentato da una delle massime cariche dello Stato, incide profondamente negli stili di vita e nella cultura nazionale, legittimando comportamenti lesivi della dignità delle donne e delle istituzioni. Così, senza quasi rendercene conto, abbiamo superato la soglia della decenza. Chi vuole continuare a tacere, sostenere, giustificare, ridurre a vicende private il presente stato di cose, lo faccia assumendosene la pesante responsabilità, anche di fronte alla comunità internazionale. Noi chiediamo a tutte le donne, senza alcuna distinzione, di difendere il valore della loro, della nostra dignità e diciamo agli uomini: se non ora, quando? è il tempo di dimostrare amicizia verso le donne."

In a normal country if politicians do that just don't have the sustain of the people anymore! They're done! Bye bye! And seeing that Italians, despite all the things that do happen there, still have the strength and the hope to get indignant... well, it feels good! ... and they manage to show it, peacefully! That gives hope to all of us, Italians spread all around the world!
"Odium maleficarum res nobilissima est!"
I propose you two videos that report the protest of the women. The first one is mine! I recorded it in Bologna. Berlusconi would say that I'm very factious!
This was the protest in Rome:
I apologize if you cannot actually comment on my post, I would love that anybody wanting to share his opinion would do that. Comments are there for it! I will sort this out, but in the mean while you can comment on the link of the post on my Facebook profile. The following video is an extract from Tg4, which is the news broadcast in one of Berlusconi's channel, Rete 4.
P.S. Actually this is an extract of the extract I wanted to show you, but the video was on youtube few days ago... yeah, it took long time! Now is no longer available! Some copyright-shit... how would say a friend of mine! :) So here you are an extract of the extract! 49 seconds!

He said that women filled up streets all over Italy "to defend their dignity, which they consider mortified." Then he says that women have rights, which the government had already guaranteed, citing as example the law against the stalking. Furthermore he thinks that we should be puzzled about this huge protest of so-called women (copyright Il Cav. Berlusconi) against the Ruby-Gate.
He wants to suggest that it's weird that now women are outraged about Mr B. paying a minor to have sex with her. A lot of years ago, somewhen in the black-and-white-era, thousands of Italian women were going in the streets and making THIS gesture with their hands ...yeah, obviously B. put even the mouth! Apparently Emilio Fede cannot mention pussy, it's outrageous! ... and in his opinion women in want to symbolize "The sex is ours and we use it as we want." ... or something like that! So now they shouldn't be surprised or indignant if B. does what he does!

She doesn't forget to assure us the the sexual affairs involving the power - which actually are involving Berlusconi -, even in the unlikely hypothesis that they are actually true, they are not putting democracy in danger. The Freedom is in danger only if a manipulative and hasty judiciary bench, with its prerogatives, wins! In this protest she felt that women were the new delegates of the mission of putting together the ruins of the opposition party. The discussion about dignity has been used as an excuse. Women were exploited... and they know this very well... they have been useful idiots of the opposition and she's very sorry for them. It never passed in her mind to join this. She finds it grotesque. They used a title of a book against the nazi-fascism for a-women-thing!
And after copious thanks and appreciation Fede ends the video with a laconic and very very intriguing question: So what is behind this protest?
And after copious thanks and appreciation Fede ends the video with a laconic and very very intriguing question: So what is behind this protest?
But what's going on in Italy? The protest, the new sexual scandal... even the foreign press started again to write about Berlusconi! ...and if you listen to Mr B. & co., the Public Prosecutor's Office in Milan is persecuting and harassing our Prime Minister, and it's trying to tip over the popular vote.
So I will try to resume the facts in pills... just for fun!
27th May 2010
Ruby is arrested for having committed a robbery. She's 17 years old, without documents and she escaped from a community for minors. The police headquarters called the magistrate for minors in charge that night, Annamaria Fiorillo. She encouraged the police to do an identification of the girl and to find a community to accommodate her for the night. If not possible, she ordered to keep Ruby in the Police Headquarter and sort out the accomodation the day after.
Nicole Minetti - which is one of the woman attending Berlusconi's dinner in Arcore - was having dinner with her fiancé in Milan. A Brasilian prostitute, Michelle De Conceicao, called her private mobile number to inform her about the mess Ruby just did! She also says that she just called the Holy Spirit - ah, that refers to Berlusconi! cute, uh?!- which in his immensity wisdom suggests Michelle to call Nicole.
Berlusconi is in Paris for Institutional reasons and he is managing all this. After Michelle informed him about Ruby (her room-mate), he tells Nicole Minetti to go to the Police... to take Ruby out of there! Nicole is perfect for that: she's good-looking and she has no previous convictions.

At 4 am two police officers stop a fight between Ruby and Michelle De Conceicao. Ruby told them that Michelle was forcing her to have sexual intercourse with men. They of course tryed to contact Nicole Minetti, unsuccessfully. The magistrate stated again that Ruby had to be taken in charge by a community, and for no reasons let her again under the supervision of the regional counsellor, obviously unable to take care of her. Police started investigating to find out if Ruby was a prostitute.

Yeah, it looks like Berlusconi is in deep shit, uh?! The real aim of the endless post is to try to explain to foreign people what you can smell everywhere you go in Italy ... this eternal contradiction ... resulting in a a million of noisy, colorful self-organized Italian women and men protesting against all this ... all over Italy and beyond! Abroad people make fun of Italians for keeping voting for Berlusconi, they don't understand how is possible that we can accept all the mess he's making with our Institutions. But they don't even imagine at which point he's messing everything up in order to avoid the jail.
I'll give you an example:

Even in Italy, I guess that nobody truly believes that Berlusconi honestly thought that Ruby was Mubarak's niece. You don't let a relative of Mubarak in the hands of a prostitute, do you?! And even if Berlusconi is so dumb to believe this, the all affair should pass through the Embassy and the Foreign Minister. He has no right to tell the Police what to do with a minor arrested for robbery. Most of all if there are evidences that she's one of your "acquaintances." That's bribery! ...and it's for this that B. is under indictment. But B. has is own concepts of democratic country...
At some point during the investigation the Prosecutor Office wanted to search the office of the his accountant, which apparently was the one paying the prostitutes. Berlusconi said that they couldn't because that office was the base of his political secretary. ...therefore they needed the permission of the Parliament! ...the Prosecutor Office sent the request to the Parliament.
B. managed to make 315 deputies voting, officially, that the tribunal in Milan has no competences for prosecuting Berlusconi. The entire inquiry's folder should be sent to the Tribunal of Ministers. The parliament stated that Berlusconi was exerting his functions of Prime Minister, because Ruby was Mubarak's niece, or at least that was what Berlusconi really believed. Bulldozzer strategy! I mean, no judge has to follow the suggestions of the Parliament concerning territorial jurisdictions of trials. ... most of all if the defendant is the leader of the majority of the Parliament!!! And deputies didn't even answer - either yes or no - to the Prosecutor Office's request. So WHY?
If he's lucky, the Prosecutor Office can decide to give up in the first place, but they didn't. But still B. can appeal to another judge in charge to decide which tribunal has the jurisdiction of the trial, as any other citizen.... but this judge for sure will be under pressure after this statement of the Parliament! However this procedure takes time, in the mean while the trial can go on till nearly the end... well, just before the sentence. The judges would only have to wait for the decision about the territorial competences for emitting the verdict. But you're not able to stop the trial, even if you are Berlusconi .... you can just stop the verdict! Anyway, it's going to be hard for Mr B. to keep up all his lies in the next future! I don't think this time he will manage to avoid the tribunal... even if he is trying badly!
The 14th December 2010 the Constitutional Court declared partially anti-constitutional the law B. made for his self to avoid the trials, "il legittimo impedimento". He said he was busy ... but now here his next appointments!
I'll give you an example:

Even in Italy, I guess that nobody truly believes that Berlusconi honestly thought that Ruby was Mubarak's niece. You don't let a relative of Mubarak in the hands of a prostitute, do you?! And even if Berlusconi is so dumb to believe this, the all affair should pass through the Embassy and the Foreign Minister. He has no right to tell the Police what to do with a minor arrested for robbery. Most of all if there are evidences that she's one of your "acquaintances." That's bribery! ...and it's for this that B. is under indictment. But B. has is own concepts of democratic country...
At some point during the investigation the Prosecutor Office wanted to search the office of the his accountant, which apparently was the one paying the prostitutes. Berlusconi said that they couldn't because that office was the base of his political secretary. ...therefore they needed the permission of the Parliament! ...the Prosecutor Office sent the request to the Parliament.
If he's lucky, the Prosecutor Office can decide to give up in the first place, but they didn't. But still B. can appeal to another judge in charge to decide which tribunal has the jurisdiction of the trial, as any other citizen.... but this judge for sure will be under pressure after this statement of the Parliament! However this procedure takes time, in the mean while the trial can go on till nearly the end... well, just before the sentence. The judges would only have to wait for the decision about the territorial competences for emitting the verdict. But you're not able to stop the trial, even if you are Berlusconi .... you can just stop the verdict! Anyway, it's going to be hard for Mr B. to keep up all his lies in the next future! I don't think this time he will manage to avoid the tribunal... even if he is trying badly!
The 14th December 2010 the Constitutional Court declared partially anti-constitutional the law B. made for his self to avoid the trials, "il legittimo impedimento". He said he was busy ... but now here his next appointments!
28/02/2011 Il Processo Mediaset restarts. Berlusconi is charged with tax fiddle. It was originally accused even for other two criminal charges, but they're already statute-barred.
05/03/2011 Il Processo Mediatrade restarts. This trial is identical to the one above mentioned, it's just more recent! He's accused of the same crimes but the company is different.
12/03/2011 Il Processo Mills. This is a funny one! B. here is charged with corruption of a witness in another process at his charge. Mills was found guilty in the first two level of judgement. I don't know how works in other countries, but in Italy there are three levels of judgment. And the sentence is definitive after the third one. Just before few days before that sentence, the crime was statute-barred. So the corrupted has been found guilty, but a bit too late. And we cannot say anything about the corruptor?!

We'll see... But check what happened on the 27th of January 2011, when Santoro wanted to talk from his own point of view about the Ruby-gate... even if you don't understand Italian, look at the video!! The General Director of the public television called just before the start of Annozero to dissociate himself and the company from a program that might do something against the rules, given the preview just shown.
Buonanotte e buona fortuna!